Thursday, March 23, 2017

Functional English:- Accepting and refusing

This video from "ESL Goldgives polite language for accepting and refusing.

Oral presentation skills - Using signpost language

This site "English Club has some excellent language to help you guide you audience through your presentation so they can follow the thread of your talk easily.

IELTS exam preparation materials - IELTS BUDDY

This site "IELTS Buddy" is an excellent site to help you prepare for the exam and steps you through all the practice exercises you will need to succeed when sitting this exam.

Oral presentation skills - Using signposting language

This site "IELTS BUDDY"gives an audio file demonstrating the use of signposting language and gives a range of language items that can be used to enable the listener to be guided through your presentation.  Why not check it out and see what language you can use in your presentation.  Good luck.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Modal verbs - could have / should have / would have

This clip helps you to understand the use of modal verbs:-could have, should have, would have.